Nursery care is available for children ages birth to 2 and provides a safe, caring, and Christ-centered environment under the supervision of trained volunteers and paid staff. The nursery is located near the Fellowship Hall and is open from 8:55 AM to 12 PM. every Sunday and during other special worship services and events.
Through the sacrament of Baptism, we are called and transformed by God’s unconditional and universal grace. With water and the name of God — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — we are joined to the Body of Christ. Baptism joins us to the Church universal (across geography and time) within the local community of faith.
Please contact the pastors and church staff if you have any questions or would like more information about Baptism.
All baptized Christians (of any age) are invited to receive Holy Communion. As baptism makes us members of the Body of Christ, the Lord’s Supper is Christ’s own gift to the members of his body. We encourage children and youth to attend a First Communion Class prior to receiving the sacrament.
The classes are held twice a year, one during Lent and one just prior to Reformation Sunday at the end of October. Often, children in second grade participate in these classes, but a good rule of thumb to determine if the “time is right” is to consider whether your child is curious about participating in the Sacrament. In either case, please contact the pastors and church staff if you have any questions or would like more information.
Classes for children aged 2-5 are held on Sunday mornings from 9 AM-11 AM. in the education unit on the second floor, above Fellowship Hall, and incorporate a variety of enriching learning methods, including Godly play, crafts, media, music, and more.
Classes are held on the second floor of the education unit above Fellowship Hall. Children ages 2 through elementary school meet on Sunday mornings from 10:10 AM to 10:50 AM.
After completion of the program, youth in 9th grade may participate in the Rite of Confirmation.
Students in grades 7 and 8 can participate in the Catechism/Confirmation program on Wednesday nights. The classes are taught by the pastors and church staff. We close with Evening Vespers. Service projects and special events are scheduled throughout the year. After completion of the program, the eighth graders may participate in the Rite of Confirmation. In addition to the Wednesday evening sessions, all Confirmation students are encouraged to serve as acolytes in the Order of Saint John.
Children, youth, and families of all ages are encouraged to attend camp each summer at Camp Carol Joy Holling near Ashland, Nebraska. Summer camp encourages spiritual growth for the whole person by providing an encounter with scripture, experience, and care of the environment, staff witness, and opportunities for worship, re-creation, and relationship development through an intentional Christian community.
In addition, the camp offers a variety of adventure activities, including high and low ropes, swimming, canoeing, hiking, team-building, and much more! Parents and campers often report growth in areas such as self-confidence, independence, making friends, exploring and learning new activities, and spirituality. Camp provides growth experiences for youth that can benefit them through adulthood. Our confirmation students attend a week of camp each summer. Camp registration materials and scholarships are available upon request.
Contact the church office at 402-341-7761 or to learn more about how your family can participate.
Our congregation is well known for its music ministries, and we encourage members of all ages to participate in our various ensembles. Our Children’s Choir for ages K-5 rehearses on Sundays at 9 AM and then joins their parents in time for communion. They will typically sing during worship once a month.