Kountze Memorial Lutheran Church

Youth Ministries

Our worship, service, fellowship, outreach, and faith formation opportunities are designed to provide a strong spiritual foundation, equip families in transformational faith formation, and create fellowship within the Body of Christ.

Middle School

Monthly fun, fellowship, and learning opportunities for youth in grades 6-8 include monthly Bible studies, ice skating, lock-ins, swimming, bowling, local service projects, day trips to Worlds of Fun, and the annual NE Synod Middle School Gathering, which hosts nearly 200 Nebraska youth each winter, among many others!

Youth Forum

Sunday morning faith formation where students in grades 7-12 participate in Bible study, small group discussion, prayer, and team building. Guest speakers, music, crafts, and videos supplement the lessons.

High School

A large high school group meets regularly for fellowship activities, including Sunday morning faith formation, Bible studies, and service projects. Join us for fun activities, including lock-ins, laser tag, video game nights, pool parties, putt-putt golf, and more! The high school youth group also goes on mission trips annually to locations including San Francisco, New Orleans, Boston, and Salt Lake City, just to name a few. Come with us to serve God and make life-long friends and memories.


The KMLC Scholarship Program makes scholarship funds available to any eligible college-bound student member. Active members of Kountze Memorial planning or continuing to attend ANY college, university, or seminary may submit an application. Additional eligibility requirements are noted on the application. Applications can be picked up in the Youth Center, Church Office, or downloaded here.

Applications are due annually on MARCH 1. Applications received after this date will not be accepted.

Please note: Scholarships are not automatically renewable, and recipients must re-apply each year. Funds are sent directly to respective institutions.

Submit your applications, along with supporting documentation, in person to the church office, by fax at 402-341-4841, or by mail to:
Kountze Memorial Lutheran Church
Attn: Scholarship Committee
2650 Farnam St.,
Omaha, NE 68131

Order Of Saint John

For 75 years, young people at Kountze Memorial have served as acolytes in worship through the Order of Saint John, providing life, energy, and leadership to our worship experience.

The word “acolyte” means “companion” or “one who helps.” As a member of OSJ (grades 8-12), youth serve as companions to our pastors by carrying the cross and torches in the processional, lighting candles on the altar, and assisting with the Children’s Sermon, Holy Communion, and Baptism, among others.

By participating in the Order of Saint John, youth are joining the ranks of those who have been helping with worship services since the year 250 A.D. At Kountze Memorial, the Order of St. John has been an integral part of our ministry since 1941 and currently has nearly 40 youth serving in its ranks.

Here at KMLC, we are very proud of our history and are always looking for youth who are interested in serving in this important ministry.

Please contact the church office if you are interested at 402-341-7761 or info@kmlchurch.org.

Order of Saint John Schedule