Endowment Fund
The Kountze Memorial Lutheran Church Endowment Fund was established to extend and enhance the mission of outreach of the church beyond and apart from the programs, ministries, and work of the congregation normally supported through regular offerings and pledges. Capital improvements, community and synodical ministries, national and global ministries, and Kountze media ministries are specific benevolence and outreach purposes of the fund.
Click HERE to download the Endowment Fund Grant Application (External Applications)
Click HERE to download the Endowment Fund Grant Application (Internal Applications)
Naming the Kountze Memorial Endowment Fund in your will or as a beneficiary of an insurance policy is a gift that continues beyond your lifetime, as the Church fulfills its mission of outreach and service around the world. Gifts to the Fund play an essential role in allowing the Endowment Fund to do even more good works for years to come.
Some of the ways to contribute to the Endowment Fund include:
Gifts by will include specifying an amount or property, a percentage of your estate, or the rest and residue of the estate (after other specific legacies have been paid).
Charitable Remainder Trust
The principal remaining after your lifetime of receiving income from the trust will be paid to the Kountze Endowment Fund. You can also arrange a life income for a survivor.
Gifts of Life Insurance
Most of us think of life insurance as an asset for our heirs. However, it is increasingly being used as a tool in the planning of charitable gifts. You can donate an existing paid-up policy, donate a policy on which you are still paying the premiums, or purchase a new policy designating Kountze Memorial Lutheran Church as the beneficiary.
If you would like more information about the Endowment Fund, or if you would like to learn more about how you can make a contribution, please contact a pastor or any member of the Endowment Fund Board:
Kountze Memorial Lutheran Church
2650 Farnam Street
Omaha, NE 68131 402-341-7761