Kountze Memorial Lutheran Church

1871 | Rev. Ira C Billman

Rev. Billman (1871-1873) begins his pastorate at Emanuel’s and is later elected Secretary of the newly formed Nebraska Synod. Billman is a graduate of Wittenberg College and Seminary.

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1867 | Church Bell

Purchased by the congregation and still in use today, the bell calls all to worship and once served as Omaha’s fire alarm.

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1862 | First Building

After meeting in rented facilities, Emanuel’s dedicates its first building at 1210 Douglas Street on February 16. The building measures 35’ x 50’ and costs $5,000 to construct.

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1858 | Rev. Henry W. Kuhns

In response to Kountze’s letter, Rev. Kuhns (1858-1870) arrives in Omaha City on November 19 as a missionary of the Allegheny Synod of Pennsylvania to the Nebraska Territory. Kuhns, a […]

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1856 | Augustus Kountze

Shortly after arriving in Omaha City, Augustus Kountze writes a letter to his former pastor, the Rev. W. P. Ruthrauff of Canton, Ohio, asking him to send a Lutheran minister […]

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1854 | Kansas-Nebraska Act

President Franklin Pierce signs this historic act, creating the territories of Nebraska and Kansas. Omaha City is founded that same year.

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